
How to Overcome Dry Damaged Hair and Branching

How to Overcome Dry Damaged Hair and Branching
How to Overcome Dry Damaged Hair and Branching - Most women want healthy hair long but not branched. Branched hair that is the classic problem for any woman, especially for women who have long hair. Branched hair is caused by various factors, ranging from a factor of inner and external factors related to the activity of a person that makes a person's hair becomes branched. Marked by a branched hair dry hair ends, branched and cracked. If the hair is a problem such that it would be an eyesore in our hair, especially if long hair is digerai without bond.

To that end, here are some ways that you do in caring for natural hair that is not branched to the right and the daily care routine. If the following ways this is done correctly and regularly then within a short time guaranteed split ends will soon disappear.

How to care for your hair naturally so unbranched

Before performing the treatment in the form of efforts to eliminate split ends, it is good you need ketehui advance the cause of the hair becomes branched. Split ends occur because the hair does not get enough nutrients and vitamins. Therefore, in order to maintain healthy hair so as not branching, hence the need for nutrition and vitamins are sufficient for the hair, both from within and from outside.

Branched hair must quickly overcome by cut. If not, then branched hairs will inhibit the growth of the hair, even though you've done a good treatment and care in order to restore it as it should be branched hair. For that, there is no best way other than the branched hair cut. Cut branched with long hair 2 to 3 CM every 3 weeks.

In addition to cutting hair branching, another thing you can do to prevent long hair is to give good treatment to the hair after shampooing. At the time of drying the hair after wash, do not rub or ruffled hair with a towel. Because it will only make the hair becomes damaged, especially at the end of the hair. As a solution, use a special towel of soft material, enough to dry hair rubbed the towel on the hair, by rolling the hair with Handung from top to bottom with very soft.

Especially for women who love to swim, immediately wash the hair with a gentle shampoo after swimming to rid your hair of chlorine normally used in pool water. Chlorine is useful as a water purifier has an dampat are not healthy for hair growth. Even if done berluang again and go unpunished, then you will be quickly damaged hair. Ie hair becomes dry, branched, and unruly.

After washing hair with shampoo, the next step is to memaskeri hair with natural ingredients. This is done to restore softness to the hair. So the hair will look healthier and stronger. Natural ingredients that you can select is honey, aloe vera, yogurt and mayonnaise. These materials can you mix with other natural ingredients to get maximum results. Then do not forget to do it regularly to keep it looking healthy.

Jam the above ingredients, treating hair with natural ingredients such as olive oil, coconut oil, or pecan also effective enough to be able to overcome the problem of split ends. Caring for your hair naturally can certainly not bring harm at all. This method is safe to do by anyone. Although this kind of treatment is fairly simple style tadisional, but of course still many do so because it has been proven quality and usefulness.