
Simple Ways to Have Healthy Teeth and Gums for Life

Simple Ways to Have Healthy Teeth and Gums for Life

Simple Ways to Have Healthy Teeth and Gums for Life - Tooth and gum problems is not just a health issue alone, but also the problem of appearance. The more healthy teeth and gums, appearance and confidence would be even better.

So how to keep teeth and gums to stay healthy? It's easy to apply 7 easy tips to maintain healthy teeth and gums below.

Minimal Tooth Brush twice a day

Brushing teeth is the main tips to maintain healthy gums and teeth. Make sure you do it right. Make a toothbrush at least 2 times a day, that means you can do more than 2 times a day. The more often better than before.

Avoid smoking

Smoking will only make conditions in the mouth is getting worse. The nicotine content in cigarettes will settle on the teeth and tongue to cause odor, not infrequently also makes the color of your teeth turn yellow or brown. What is clear, say no to smoking.

Avoid Foods That Too Hot or Too Cold

Foods that are too hot or too cold will make the enamel becomes easily damaged, until finally emerged cavities or tooth sensitivity. For as much as possible avoid eating foods that are too hot or cold drinks excessive.

Ends meet Drinking Water

Drinking enough water will help clean up after eating food residue on the teeth and gums. In addition to drink enough, you should also gargle after eating, have been proven to make a fresh and clean mouth again.

Clean Teeth With Fine Yarns

Yarn used to clean between the teeth is not an ordinary thread, but a special yarn which is designed to clean between the teeth. You can get this yarn in a pharmacy or health clinic nearby. By cleaning your teeth regularly with this thread, the teeth will be healthier because there is no food residue left in between the teeth.

Chewing Gum

Chewing gum is very good for maintaining oral health and dental overall. But keep in mind that not all gum good for teeth. Only gum containing the sweetener xylitol is good for dental health. Therefore chew gum that contains xylitol contained therein.

Consumption of Fresh Fruit

Fruit desserts are very good. Therefore, make it a habit each meal, to consume fresh fruit as a dessert. Besides being able to refresh our mouth, the fruit is also very rich in benefits. Some fruits are recommended to maintain healthy teeth is apples and mangoes.

That's 7 easy tips to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Here are some articles are still relevant on the issue of healthy teeth and gums.