4 Best Drinks That Shrink Belly Fat - Abdominal fat is very annoying, besides not pleasing to the eye also reducing our comfort in dressing or activity. This problem is often frustrating to women, even men also.
Well, in this occasion a healthy lifestyle would like to present some of the drinks that can help my friend to lose fat stomach.
1. Watermelon Smoothie
Watermelon Smoothie contains water that serves as a natural hydrator. Besides watermelon also has many nutrients one lycopene is able to fight the cancer, and the amino acid that serves as arginine.In a study in the Journal of Nutrition found that arginine can reduce body fat and increase muscle mass.
2. Green Tea
Green tea is known for his usefulness to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. In fact not only that, there is the content in green tea called catechins, antioxidants which studies show can reduce stomach fat.Moreover, if my friend drank green tea before exercise can increase fat burning during aerobic exercise.