
Treating Skin Allergies Naturally at Home

Treating Skin Allergies Naturally at Home
Treating Skin Allergies Naturally at Home - One of the diseases that can not be underestimated is skin itching caused by allergies. Be it because of a food allergy, allergic cold air, dust and pollution allergies, and allergy medications. Because most allergic resulted itching all over the body can menghapat activities and our daily routines.

As has been said before, that cause allergies are not only limited to fault the food, but also some other factors trigger allergies in the body. To that end, it is necessary to know the cause first. If you're just taking certain medications balls then suddenly throat itching, runny nose and headaches, swollen skin redness and itchy, then immediately to anticipate the treatment of allergies.

You can choose how to treat allergies that exist, whether it's using medical treatment for allergies is already very severe. Or choose to treat it in your own home, because the severity of the allergy that you can still overcome traditional or natural.

Here are some ways you can do to cope with and treat itching due to skin irritation or allergies according to severity of the allergy. Different levels of severity of allergies caused by something, then different way of handling. For that, please continue reading this.

Treating skin itching due to allergies at home

This section will explain how to treat allergic relevant level, ie the level of ordinary allergies and allergy levels of unusual or serious.

1) ordinary Allergies

At this rate, the symptom has not been too severe. Itching in the skin is still very rare and considered to still be able to resolve themselves. This herb tradisionan then you can select as anticipatory measures itching due to allergies increasingly spread to the broader body again.

Treating allergies with Moringa Leaves

One drug allergy from natural ingredients that are no doubt the quality and widely used by the public is using Moringa Leaves. The trick is to provide at least 20 grams of leaves of Moringa, one sliced ​​onion, 4 grams pulosari and two glasses of water. Combine all ingredients are then boiled until 25-30 minutes. After that, filter the water and drink.

Treating allergies with Leaf Kates

In addition to Moringa leaves, and other natural ingredients that can be used in treating skin allergies itching is using Moringa Leaves. The trick is very simple, provide 3 leaves Kates, then boil the leaves with water to taste. Do not forget to put a half teaspoon of salt. Then the leaves are eaten each time you eat. How does it feel? Try it, you'll find out later.

2) serious Allergies

If allergies caused by food, medicines, cold air and so is getting worse, which is characterized by bernjolan-red bumps that itch and have spread all over your body, here is how to treat it.

Treating allergy itchy skin because the leaves of Eucalyptus

The trick is, boil a few strands of white wood with clean water for 15-20 minutes. Then take the White Wood boiling water and washed the body gets itchy-scratchy because of allergies.

However, given the reaction of the body of each person is different and allergy symptoms have been getting worse, it is good to take immediate steps to deal with this medical. Of course the sooner resolved then the sooner rid of the allergy.