
How to Treat Acne Scars Fast Naturally

How to Treat Acne Scars Fast Naturally - Acne scars are usually caused when a person often holds pimples with dirty hands. The possibility of dirty hands that contain a lot of bacteria that can aggravate acne situation sehinggah leave scars. Additionally, squeeze acne is also one culprit that causes the appearance of acne scars on the face.
How to Treat Acne Scars Fast Naturally

Eliminating Acne Scars with Garlic

How to remove acne scars which in turn is to use garlic. Garlic is one of the ingredients that you often encounter when you are in the kitchen. Garlic is also used as seasoning is also believed to be capable of removing acne scars naturally.

Processing of garbage was not difficult alias is very easy. You only need to prepare 3 to 5 pieces of garlic later you mashed garlic until smooth. After a smooth wipe the face area existing acne scars until evenly distributed. Ingan only in the area of ​​acne scars that acne is not yes, because if acne is still there will be very sore. After that let stand until dry, then rinse with cold water until clean.

Eliminating Acne Scars with Tomato Ingredients As Mask

Tomatoes are one of the natural ingredients that are quite powerful and one of the ingredients of our way to remove acne scars. Not a secret anymore, the content of vitamin C in tomatoes, may help erode stubborn acne scars and stubborn.

How to cultivate tomatoes and make it as a mask is very easy and does not require a long time. First prepare one or two pieces that are not too ripe tomatoes. Furthermore blender without adding water, leave until smooth.

Mask is ready to use you only need apply tomato paste evenly to the entire face. After flattening let stand a few minutes until dry, then wash with cold water.

Overcoming acne scars with Olive Oil Menggunajan

The first way in removing acne scars is to use olive oil. Olive oil has been since time immemorial is believed to be rich in health benefits, including the problem of acne scars. Not only tablets, it is often in the face when treatment with olive oil will make the face clean and smooth.

You can buy olive oil in a cosmetic store or pharmacy. Do not forget to buy a genuine olive oil, where the oil has not been found any mix. Its application is quite easy that apply olive oil every day, at bedtime on the entire face. Clear in the morning. So you get maximum results doing this activity routinely and regularly.

Overcoming acne scars in Wajad with Aloe Vera

Maybe we so often with that aloe vera it for the treatment of dry hair and long hair. However, it should also be known that in addition to nourish hair, aloe vera can also be used as one way to remove acne scars quickly. Aloe vera will create a black stain your acne scars slowly fade and eventually disappear.

The trick is not difficult process, take the stems of aloe vera then split into two. The next step is taking aloe vera gel is then added lime juice or honey. If no additional then aloe vera gel alone also does nothing. Then apply this medicine to the entire face evenly, let stand 15 to 25 minutes. After that you can rinse the face thoroughly no traces anymore.

These methods if done regularly, can make acne scars fade. You can add honey or lemon. The two materials are very effective at removing acne scars. Facial acne must be treated well. After conducting activities outside the home, immediately wash the face. Because dirt and dust is one of the triggers of acne. Thus a little review on how to remove acne scars. We hope to provide useful information for you.